If you lie awake at night thinking about your awesome life way back when you had tons of energy…
But – you’re feeling worn out, depleted, and frankly fed up with your daily routine that no longer seems to give you any joy at all. If your health doesn’t allow you to do everything you used to do, if you are tormenting yourself with self-doubt, and can’t even remember the last time you enjoyed a good ‘belly’ laugh – then, this programme is for you!
Reclaim Your Joy is a transformational immersion into the secrets of your mind, body and soul. It’s designed to help you break through the pattern of overwhelm and exhaustion, and to guide you back to a balanced life filled with joy and energy in just 2 months.
It’s my Signature Programme to help you uncover the joy that lives within you ~ always has and always will be. If you are actively seeking to invite more joy and fun into your life, it will most likely be buried under an accumulation of pain, fear, shame, grief, self-doubt, baggage, or energetic blocks. That’s what I’ll be supporting you with.
Because our individual journeys are very unique, I haven’t yet come across one way that fits all in my approach. So, I feel privileged to offer you being fully present with and holding space for YOU, so that you can go as deep as necessary and as far as is just right for you to move through your limitations, and emerge as an empowered new version of yourself in 9 short weeks.
Dear Joy Seeker,
I know you are passionate and want to make a heartfelt difference in the world by living purposefully and serving others…
You’ve been working really hard wanting to make that impact but were stopped in your tracks when your body put a spanner in the works and made you realise that you can’t carry on the way you have been.
You crave to have the energy back that you once had, you don’t understand what has happened to you and you fear that this is what it will be from here on in – you just have to learn to live with it, or at least that’s what everyone seems to say.
You wish you could do what you love, feeling fulfilled and acknowledged while sharing your gifts. But – you feel disconnected from the world around you, and the direction you’re headed in feels like a dead end to you.
Your body is telling you that you have reached your limit and you have nobody to talk to who understands (apart from your therapist), but you still have hope, you just don’t know where to start to rebuild your life…

IN SHORT: You want nothing more than to stop the downward spiral of your health and finally feel better while rekindling a spark of joy and lightheartedness in your life. You want to get your energy back, so that you can be yourself again and be of service to others in a powerful and meaningful way.
You desire...
- A life that makes you feel alive and healthy
- Having more energy and motivation to live your life to the fullest
- A clear mind and increased concentration span
- Knowing where you went wrong
- Having down time without feeling useless
- Feeling calm and in control again
- Being of service to others without losing sight of your own needs
- And most of all: A new direction for your life that you are excited about
The Problem is:
You’ve been trying very hard to do it ALL and are feeling like a failure, and now your body is showing signs of chronic exhaustion!
Maybe you:
- Are just going through the motions as it’s the only way you can cope when everything seems too much?
- Find it really hard to get up in the morning not having much to look forward to?
- Feel worried or depressed about your future?
- Have forgotten how to enjoy yourself or feel you have no right to without achieving your goals first and getting back on track?
- Feel frustrated and impatient with yourself and your body?
- Struggle to put yourself first in your priorities?
- Can’t see a graceful way out of the hole you find yourself in?
If you feel anxious, isolated, and clueless about how to improve your life and wellness without creating more stress on your body and mind, it’s time for a radical change.
Are you ready to RECLAIM YOUR JOY?
Now, take a deep breath...
- You aren’t making your symptoms up
- You can stop worrying about your future and quit beating yourself up for not being where you want to be right now…

I’m here to show you a loving and graceful way to get you back on track.
I know exactly how you feel right now because I’ve been there…
In my professional career I experienced first-hand what it means to be burned out. In fact, I went through it three times, each time wondering what had happened.
The truth is, even with my background in Reiki, Shamanic Healing and Energy Work, I didn’t know:
- where to start to help myself to feel alive and confident again
- how to properly support my body to get back to wellness
- how to change my habits to avoid it happening again.
I went from full on to utterly depleted and was in doubt whether I would ever feel ‘normal’ again.
Yet, here I am – stronger, healthier, more confident, and full of joy after many trials and tribulations on my way to get where I am today.
I have created this programme with you in mind because I know how much I would have cherished someone to guide me through the deep and muddy places, the uncertainty and the confusion along the way.
As you might have guessed by now, there are no quick fixes on this journey! Old habits need to be shed and new ones put in place in order to turn your life around. But believe me, the results will be more than worth it!
I want you to...
- enjoy feeling in control of your health and wellbeing!
- get out of bed each day looking forward to what you’ve created!
- feel the difference in ALL areas of your life as your confidence, energy and joy grow each day!
Once you start taking the right steps, one step at a time, you’ll notice how your body starts to recover in just a few short weeks.
You’ll gain deep insights into how you tick and why things have unfolded in the way they did, as well as learning new modalities and resources to help you get out of the rut now, and be in control if the going gets tough again in the future.
You’ll leave with practical tools to look after yourself on a whole new level, become your own best fan cheering yourself on to new heights and leave the inner critic behind for good.
There might be other programmes out there to help you activate your body’s innate healing power, but none of them have quite the same lightheartedness to them. Learning to use laughter and its profound ability to transform all kinds of stress into pure joy has a much deeper ripple effect on all areas of your life and will enhance your life from here on in.
All it takes is an inspired decision to take your life into your own hands and turn it around.
You’ll feel better without doing more.
You’ll start enjoying life again.
You’ll remember your passion and be able to work towards it again.
You’ll be stronger knowing yourself a whole lot better than ever before.
And you’ll be making the impact that you are meant to in the world.
My promise to you:
In our 2 months together, you’ll receive more than a step by step guide to health. You’ll experience a profound shift in your consciousness and a new awareness of what is possible for you.
You’ll leave not only feeling so much better in your body, but understanding what it is that YOU need, to feel nourished, balanced and resourced in the future. You’ll have a spring back in your step and a smile on your face knowing that you are creating a life that fulfils you.
My clients work with me because of my uplifting energy – it’s life changing! I manifest ease, joy, and lightheartedness all around me, as I inspire and empower people to open up and begin to look after themselves in new and playful ways.