+44 (0)20 3287 5872 aurora@katjavincent.com

Free Webinar

The ONE Shift you need to make to Overcome Your Burnout

(and it’s not what you’d expect)

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Join my FREE Webinar

Katja Aurora is an international Intuitive Healer & Laughter Coach supporting women who feel worn out and heavy-hearted, who have no energy and very little to enjoy in their life, towards rediscovering their life’s purpose, breaking new ground with ease and grace and reigniting their inner spark of joy. She finds that the most powerful element to reconnect her clients with their wholeness and JOY – the foundation of true bliss – is hearty Laughter.


January 7th 2019

1pm PST | 4pm EST | 9pm GMT

Time left until webinar starts…








Let’s turn the light back on together!

You're Going To Learn...

  • How to: Regain your energy to live your life to the fullest even if your energy level is lower than it has EVER been before
  • How to: Clear your mind and increase your concentration span even if your memory seems like a long lost friend right now
  • How to: Feel calm and in control again even if anxiety and loneliness have become your constant companions at this time

My LIVE trainings always fill up quickly because they are significantly better than the information others charge you thousands for… even though they are free. So claim your spot below!

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