+44 (0)20 3287 5872 aurora@katjavincent.com


This space is dedicated to playing with reflections, heart songs, inspiration & wisdom, and dancing with my own way to Essence.

My Personal Journey

My Personal Journey

Recently I was interviewed by the lovely Liz Findlay - Multifaceted Healing for People & Animals for her "Inspiring Spiritual Entrepreneurs" podcast. It was such a pleasure and an honour to speak with her about my personal trials and tribulations. We had a great time...

There’s magic in the name!

There’s magic in the name!

You might have noticed that I recently altered my name on my website, in my communications and on all my Social Media channels. Why did I change my name - twice? Well, here’s the answer: My intention is to show up in all of my glory. To do that I have enlisted the...

Seasons – Winter sleep

Seasons – Winter sleep

Are you like me and often feel tired now? Our body is adjusting and getting ready for the darkest season of the year – the winter. Winter is a time for pause, a time to recall the past, go inwards, slow down, recharge our batteries and let go. More than usual we crave...

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