+44 (0)20 3287 5872 aurora@katjavincent.com

FREE Online Class

Healing Laughter Experience

(Expect the unexpected!)

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Join my FREE Happy Hour

Katja Aurora is an Intuitive Healer, Laughter Coach & Wellness Advocate supporting women to get to know themselves on a much deeper and meaningful level by discovering their life’s purpose, releasing what’s in the way with ease and grace and reigniting their inner spark of joy. She finds that one of the most powerful elements to reconnect her clients with their own beautiful essence and JOY ~ the foundation of true bliss ~ is hearty Laughter.


May 15th 2021

9am PST | 12pm EST | 5pm GMT

Time left until class starts…








“Life changes very quickly in a very positive way, if you let it.”
~ Lyndsey Vonn ~

You're Going To Experience:

  • Laughter & Play: Explore your funny bones and get a break from being serious while boosting your energy and enjoying yourself
  • Present Moment Awareness: Clear your mind and calm your nervous system while reconnecting with your unique sense of joy
  • Connection: Feel part of a loving community of like-minded women and support your own journey back to vitality and happiness

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