+44 (0)20 3287 5872 aurora@katjavincent.com
My Personal Journey

My Personal Journey

Recently I was interviewed by the lovely Liz Findlay – Multifaceted Healing for People & Animals for her “Inspiring Spiritual Entrepreneurs” podcast. It was such a pleasure and an honour to speak with her about my personal trials and...
There’s magic in the name!

There’s magic in the name!

You might have noticed that I recently altered my name on my website, in my communications and on all my Social Media channels. Why did I change my name – twice? Well, here’s the answer: My intention is to show up in all of my glory. To do that I have enlisted...


For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to Crystals and love to be surrounded by them. They are quiet, potent helpers in my everyday life, my work and my leisure. Whereas I didn’t know a lot about them at the beginning, I now know them to be my...

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