You might have noticed that I recently altered my name on my website, in my communications and on all my Social Media channels. Why did I change my name – twice? Well, here’s the answer: My intention is to show up in all of my glory. To do that I have enlisted...
Are you like me and often feel tired now? Our body is adjusting and getting ready for the darkest season of the year – the winter. Winter is a time for pause, a time to recall the past, go inwards, slow down, recharge our batteries and let go. More than usual we crave...
I know it’s been a long while since my last newsletter. Life got in the way and self-doubt kicked in – Can I really do this? Am I good enough? I followed those thoughts, lost courage and got very small indeed – once again! Being small is such a comfortable...
I wish you a healthy, invigorating and open-hearted New Year! How about starting 2016 with gratitude instead of the usual New Year’s resolution? Are you aware of what you have and how comfortably off you are? Do you know that your heartfelt gratitude about these...
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