+44 (0)20 3287 5872 aurora@katjavincent.com

Hi, I’m Katja Aurora.

Welcome to my page!  I know it’s no coincidence you landed here ~ your Spirit Guides made sure you did.  Now it’s up to you what you’d like to do with this nudge from the universe.  Will you ignore it or take the opportunity?

If you are looking to make sense of what is happening to you right now;  if you carry a wound or a burden that simply has become too heavy for you;  if you are ready for a change in your life, yet don’t know where to start;  or if you’re a Starseed wishing to unlock the next level of your experience ~ then let me assist you in finding a deeper innerstanding and open the door to more forgiveness and healing within you.

Facing your shadows doesn’t have to be hard, painful or serious ~ in fact, it can be joyful and rewarding as it leads you into a new sense of personal freedom and confidence.  Are you ready to reignite your innate spark of joy?  Then let’s create some magic together.


“A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” ~ It can only ever be felt in the present moment and it doesn’t have to rely on outer circumstances!


“A state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” ~ It’s never too late to begin to nourish your wellbeing from the inside out!


“The feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.” ~ How about having faith in and knowing yourself for a change?!

About Katja Aurora.

As an Intuitive Healer, Massage Therapist, Laughter Coach & Wellness Advocate, I have been working with people from 7 different countries spread across 3 continents.  In the last 17 years I have held hundreds of individual healing sessions, and led weekly laughter classes for 4 years, with great success.

My gift is to bring more JOY into this world by supporting and inspiring people to BE who they came here to be.  I lovingly guide you through what is holding you back, uncover deep-seated patterns or limiting beliefs from your current life or past lives and help you release ancestral wounds for yourself and your loved ones.  I am the bridge between the unconscious and the conscious, assisting you in shining a light on what has been hidden from you and clearing anything not in alignment with ease and grace in order to create healthy, positive and lasting change in your life.

During a session I hold space for you in your transformation.  I will speak to you through my connection to source and our spiritual guides, to convey and put into practice what they tell me for you.  At times this can be emotional for my clients and I will guide you through this steadily with much empathy, sensitivity and lightheartedness.

My aim is to empower you to have the confidence to lovingly care for your spiritual, emotional, mental and physical needs with an ever-increasing awareness by giving you tools and practices you can rely on to support your journey going forward.


Each morning we are born again.
What we do today is what matters most.
~ Buddha

My Offers

Most of my 1-2-1 sessions take place online via Zoom, apart from all massage therapies. Remote sessions are often perceived as being more powerful than sessions held in person.

I'd like you to know that I'm open to any form of energetic exchange that feels right to us both, so please get in touch if you feel drawn to my work even if you can't afford my listed prices.

Personal Reading

Tuning in to your energy around a situation or area in your life by using one of my beautiful card decks or by analysing your Human Design Chart, I provide you with unique insight, clarity and direction.

Energetic Realignment

A spiritual solution! Receive healing and guidance from a higher source channelled by me specifically for you, to release what's out of alignment, reconnect with your wholeness and empower your path from the inside out.

Wellness Consultation

A practical solution! Gain clarity, move through your obstacles with ease and grace, and receive an action plan to rise above the issues in your life that are causing you pain, unease or overwhelm.

Healing Laughter Infusion

My 1-2-1 pick-me-up laughter session or that something special for any occasion! This is your kick-start to creating joyful new habits in life, for a better outlook and more resilience in facing anything life throws at you. Are you ready to be surprised and inspired for more fun and enjoyment in your life now?

Reclaim Your Joy

My bespoke 9-week 1-2-1 coaching programme! If you feel overwhelmed, are struggling to enjoy life for whatever reason, and are seriously ready for change within a healing and nourishing environment, assisting you to open up to your full potential and to create a life you love, then this is for you!

Deepening Circle

Your next level spiritual development group! Providing a profound and enriching experience that contributes not only to personal and spiritual growth but also to deep inner healing within a group setting, currently taking place at two locations in the South of England ~ with an online version coming soon. Intrigued?

Reiki Healing

Soothing, relaxing and rejuvenating! An energy treatment to calm your overstimulated senses, let go of worries and demands and revitalise from the inside out. Lean back and recharge!

Elise-Mila-Energy Healing

Classified as a New Earth healing modality, the Elise energy builds a bridge between body awareness and soul. A wonderful first aid for shocks or simply grounding - you'll feel renewed and well balanced!

Massage Therapy

If you're looking for in person body relaxation, you can choose between six different offers incorporating the wonderful benefits of certified pure tested grade Essential Oils upon request.

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